Assalamu’alaikum 안녕하세요!
Today, I'd like to welcome you all into my great and beloved "green campus",, yups.. Bogor EduCARE. I'm so proud to be part of this college, because there are a lot of things happen when I was there. And now, I'm going to share you all about the reasons why I took this college as mine. Let's see the further informations about the advantages we'll get in Bogor EduCARE.
The first reason is, Its Free ! Yups,, unlike the other college, here you don't need to pay anything in source of your nessecaries. Except your own things to support.
The second is, LUNCH ! Yups,, unlike the other paid campus. You den't get a free lunch, don't you ?
But here, you'll get it in every weekdays time. Started at 11 A.M, from Monday-Friday. You'll enjoy ur meal lunch together with your friend.
The third is, ENGLISH IMPROVEMENT SKILLS ! Yups,, unlike the other English college. Here you'll get the further knowledge of English totally and free! That's why, I'm brave enough to write some of my posts in English.
The fourth is, COMPUTER SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ! Yups,, unlike the other techno-college. BEC's collegian is well-known with their highly skill in Computer & Programming.
The fifth is, ATTITUDE AND PUBLIC SPEAKING ! Yups,, unlike the other public-relation college. BEC's student is well known through their own very well public relationship.
The last but not least, BEC is the one who had helped me to go further. I can't imagine my life would be if I don't meet this college. So,, million thanks for BEC and all teachers and staffds who had supported me behind !!! #ILoveYouAll